Everyone has a purpose... We're here to make sure you Don't Miss Out on finding it!
Everyone Matters!
Everyone Matters
Everyone Matters
Everyone Matters
Life is worth living! No matter how hard it is, it always gets better and the pain is always worth it when you discover your purpose!
Everyone has a purpose... We're here to make sure they DON't MISS OUT on finding it!
703,000 people across the globe commit suicide each year; and every 11 minutes here in the US. For every completed suicide, there are 20 failed attempts that we know of. This means that at least 14 million people attempt suicide each year, and those who make a failed attempt are likely to try again. Don’t Miss Out! is a *non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the cause to bring awareness to emotional health and suicide prevention. We provide resources, services, and products that educate, encourage, and empower—through books, media projects, e-courses, motivational gear, group healing experiences, workshops, and more. We are especially focused on helping parents, teens, and youth workers. We also target under-privileged families, church communities, and public figures and influencers—all whom are less likely to seek help when facing trauma or mental health issues.
*Tax ID and receipts for charitable donations will be availabe by 12.15.2023
DON'T MISS OUT ON LIFE!—Founder, Emotional Health Specialist, and Suicide Prevention Advocate—Laneen A. Haniah, pictured with her son Judah Haniah.
A note from our founder...

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Hi! My name is Laneen Haniah, and pictured next to me in the cover photo is my son Judah. We are both attempted suicide survivors! I have battled depression and anxiety since I was a child. A lifetime of abuse, trauma, sickness, abandonment, and bullying left me scarred and damaged, but depsite my past, I managed to do great things. I wrote bestselling books, hosted an award-winning radio broadcast, have been a keynote speaker around the country—and best of all, I gave birth to seven beautiful children! But even with all of these accomplishments, I continuned to secretly battle suicidal depression and tried to end my life on seven different occasions. All of that changed when my son Judah attempted suicide at 18. He never knew about my secret struggle, but seeing him battle the same depression was a wake up call for me. I knew I could no longer keep quiet. We went to counseling together, we are healing together, and now we are sharing our story together to help save lives.
A painful past just is what it is—it is a painful thing that is BEHIND you, in your past. Life hurts, and it's not about trying to pretend the pain isn't there. It is learning how to push through the pain, find purpose in it, and make your pain pay! Please join our mailing list to learn more about my broad-spectrum approach to emotional health, get a free download, and get a link to watch my recent TV interview!
Featured Book
The book that every parent, caretaker, and youth leader has been praying for! Learn how Laneen was able to help her son Judah overcome his suicidal depression and what you can do to help the teens and young adults in your life! An invaluable resource for everyone. Add to your cart here. Also available on Amazon.
Books that educate, heal, and empower!
7-time attempted suicide survivor, Laneen A. Haniah (also known as SouLah the Legend), takes us on a deep dive into the intricacies of mood disorders and the mysteries of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in her books. Her personal battles with bipolar disorder, childhood trauma, sexual assault, and a chronic pain disease gives her a unique and in-depth understanding of the emotional anguish that causes depression and PTSD. She lends intuitive clarity to suicidal depression, explaining it as a nature, mindset, and lifestyle—as opposed to an isolated behavior or negative emotion. She also debunks common myths and presents effective intervention strategies. You will also learn the EARLY WARNING SIGNS that most people miss. Order the bundle now and save!
The first ever mother/son music release!
May 21, 2021, is a day Laneen Haniah will never forget—it was the day she learned that her 18-year-old son had attempted suicide and intended to finish what he’d started! She frantically called the Georgia Crisis Line, not knowing if they’d be able to intervene on time. Thankfully, she was able to get her son the immediate assistance he needed; but she knew from her own experience that recovery would be a long road.
Two years after his suicide attempt, Laneen and her son Judah made history together, as the first ever mother/son hip-hop duo! Under thier artist monikers SouLah the Legend and Nevai; they produced, wrote, and recorded a song, following it up with a heart-warming music video. Their project also gained the attention of syncated TV host TC Bradley, landing them an interview on The Word Network. Click below to watch the video. Please be sure to like, comment, and share. Your comments mean so much! If you'd like to see part of thier TV interview, click here.

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Our Outreach
Workshops, webinars, and Consultations
We offer powerful and informative workshops, webinars, and consultations. Our services are available for organizations, groups of all sizes, and private sessions. Some of our service types are listed below but we offer custom workshops for your specific needs. Most services are personally facilitated by our founder Laneen Haniah. Some services are available on a volunteer basis, and service fees may qualify as a tax-deductible charitable donation. Please contact for a quote.
- Host a webinar for your group
- Tailored curriculum
- Specific advice situation
- Q & A after presentation
- Discounts for products and other services
Parent Strategy Session
- Book a strategy session
- Tailored conversation
- Insight into your child's needs
- Product discounts & Follow up
Private Leadership Consult
- 1-on-1 Coaching for leaders
- Learn how to teach our strategies
- Specific advice situation
- Discounts for other services
- 30-day follow-up included
Inspired Legacy Store
See our entire line of DON'T MISS OUT ON LIFE! Products. 100% of all proceeds go toward our mental health and suicide prevention awareness mission! Stylish designs that may also reach someone who is on the verge of giving up, with a call to action to contact 988!. You never know whose life you might be saving!