A thank you from our founder...
Thank you so much for caring about our mission here at Don't Miss Out! As promised here are your first exclusive benefits as a subscriber:
1, Access to The Emotional Health Spectrum! Right click to download for quick reference. Feel free to share!
2. Here is a $5.00 discount code to purchase anything in the Inspired Legacy Store. 'grateful'
2. Enjoy this free PDF of our exclusive "Do Not SCRIPT", a quick-reference guide for what NOT TO SAY to someone in a suicidal crisis. As a 7-time attempted suicide survivor, I can assure you that knowing what not to say, is often more critical than knowing what to say. Those suffering from escalted suicidal depression are in an extremely fragile state. They can easily be pushed over the edge with well-meaning words and phrases that do more harm than good! Learn how to avoid this common pitfal in suicide intervention. Click here to download.
The "Do Not SCRIPT" is not something you will find anywhere else. It was created by our founder, Laneen Haniah, and first published in her latest release, "Help, My Child Doesn't Want to Live!". This book also contains a step-by-step emergency intervention guide; a reference called "The LISTEN Cycle", and a breakdown of what she calls "the Emotional Health Spectrum".
Although this book was written with parents in mind, it is an awesome resource for all people. To reduce suicide casualties we must begin to take it personally, even if we ourselves are not suicidal or think we don't know anyone who is. Chances are, someone close to you is secretly suffering from suicidal depression right now. Would you know what to do if you found out your loved one is suicidal?
Order your copy of "Help, My Child Doesn't Want to Live!" and learn these proven awareness and intervention strategies before it's too late! Also available on Amazon. Discounts only apply when purchased through our store.

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3. And here is your third exclusive benefit, the full version of my interview with TC Bradley, aired on The Word Network recently. This was an amazing and informative interview about my personal memoir—a transparent and raw read about my battles with PTSD from childhood sexual trauma, sexual assault as an adult, a 10-year loveless marriage as a pastor's wife, a longterm affair with a married man, and the incident that finally brought me to my breaking point and started me on a new path. Later in the intervew my son Judah joins me. Enjoy and please leave a like and a comment and share!
Our Founder
Join our founder for Mental Health Mondays, every week at 8pm EST livestreaming on YouTube.