Everyone has a purpose... We're here to make sure you Don't Miss Out on finding yours!
You Matter!
No matter how hard it is, it always gets better, and the pain is always worth it when you discover your purpose!
Life is worth living and there is purpose in your pain! YOU MATTER!
703,000 people across the globe die by suicide each year; and 1 in 5 adults here in the US are battling some type of documented mental illness. Let's face it, we all experience pain, failure, and disappointment sometimes. And we often don’t know how to cope with the difficulties of life; especially in light of the overload of opinions about how to deal with stress, overcome hardships, and achieve happiness.
Don’t Miss Out! is a non-profit organization dedicated to a strategic approach for optimizing emotional health. We are here to help people recover from trauma, overcome depression and anxiety, and move into purpose. It is our belief that most mental illness is preventable and/or reversible with the right treatments and techniques. By focusing on cultivating a meaningful existence—we encourage, educate, and empower participants to create a life they enjoy waking up to.
"If you enjoy your life, you won't want to end it. If you wake up and lay down happy and fulfilled, you won't live in a chronic state of depression and anxiety! PERIOD!"
That is why our goal is for you to attain Peak Emotional Health. This will, in turn, alleviate the symptoms associated with mental illness and emotional dysfunction.
Please check out our featured resources below and continue to explore the rest of our website. We're here to help—so, please, help us help you!
Featured Book!
The book that every parent, caretaker, and youth leader has been praying for! Teenagers makeup 70% of the recent rise in suicide deaths. Learn what you can do to help the teens and young adults in your life avoid or recover from suicidal depression! This book is an invaluable resource for everyone. Add to your cart here. Also available on Amazon.
Contribute to Save a Life!
With your support, we can reach our financial goals and continue the work we’ve set out to do. Every contribution makes a difference; and the life you save could be that of someone you love—or maybe even your own! Receive a free gift with donations of $100 or more. We thank you in advance. Click to donate.
Featured Music Video
Don't Miss Out! founder, Laneen A. Haniah, and her son Judah, made history as the first ever mother/son hip-hop duo! Under their artist monikers SouLah the Legend and Nevai; they produced, wrote, and recorded Would've Missed Out, following it up with a heart-warming music video. Click below to watch. Please be sure to like, comment, and share. Your comments mean so much!

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Nothing without Him! New single release
On September 29, 1997, Laneen Haniah (aka SouLah the Legend) made the radical decision to give her heart to God, instead of following through with her plan to commit the murder-suicide of herself and her son. In this uplifting, fun, and powerful song—a blend of hip-hop, gospel, and EDM—she celebrates the 25-year anniversary of choosing LIFE over death.